Air Quality in Your Home
If the quality of the air inside your home is poor, it can cause all sorts of problems, from headaches, nasal congestion, and dry eyes to nausea, and fatigue. It can also cause or contribute to infections and may exacerbate asthma and other lung diseases.
Air pollution is not just an outdoor problem. In fact, the air inside homes and other buildings can be more polluted than the air outside. The air inside homes can contain lead (in dust), chemicals from fragrances and cleaners, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Today our homes are airtight; this keeps these pollutants inside improving the air quality in our homes will improve the quality of our lives.
Air pollution is not just an outdoor problem. In fact, the air inside homes and other buildings can be more polluted than the air outside. The air inside homes can contain lead (in dust), chemicals from fragrances and cleaners, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Today our homes are airtight; this keeps these pollutants inside improving the air quality in our homes will improve the quality of our lives.